Astrological Weather for 2025.
Putting things off is the biggest waste of life: it snatches away each day as it comes and denies us the present by promising the future. What are you looking at? To what goal are you straining? The whole future lies in uncertainty: live immediately. Lucius Annaeus Seneca 4Bc to 65 AD.
On January 1st, we cross over the burning ground where our intentions, our resolutions are ignited. As we stand on the cusp of this new year, January’s promissory note offers a chance to do things differently, to dare to change our minds and our hearts. To move from what we have outgrown. To begin again.
This new year is shaped by some major astrological markers that will infuse the collective energy and impact on our own lives as familiar things fall away and we learn to adapt to all that is new.
On January 11th, the North and South Nodes change signs, moving into the Pisces/Virgo lunar axis, defining the zeitgeist for the next 18 months, as we keep the faith while attending to those ordinary things that knit the days of our lives together.
The lunar standstill that has been building month by month since 2020 reaches its peak in March 2025. A lunar standstill or lunistice is similar to a solstice when the sun seems to stand still for a few days around mid-winter or mid-summer, but a lunistice lingers for a period of two years as the moon rises and sets in more extreme positions, reaching high in the sky in the summer, and low in the winter here in the north, affecting our emotions, the liquid in our bodies, the tides.
There are four eclipses in 2025: A total lunar eclipse in Virgo on March 13/14th depending on where you live. A partial solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29th. A total lunar eclipse in Pisces on 7/8th September. And a partial solar eclipse in Virgo on September 21st, each eclipse imbued with its own meaning and significance as it drops into your own birth chart, perhaps energising a passion that lies dormant, offering a prompt to discover a purpose within.
The volatile Mars/Pluto opposition peaks on January 3rd as unresolved anger and trauma resurface perhaps in our own lives if this aspect ignites an angle or planet in your own birth chart. This is the intractable energy that accompanies power struggles, stand-offs and ruthlessness. Mars remains opposite Pluto until February 22nd as we tame our inner beasts and appreciate what is beautiful and graceful in our lives. Mars stations direct on February 24th at 17° Cancer, accompanying abrupt reversals, maybe a loss of interest in a goal, and awareness of a turning point that exposes a lingering problem and a choice to be made as Mars brashly unsheathes his sword and we are compelled to change course.
If you are poised to travel or make a commitment that concerns a relationship or money, there may be delays or setbacks as Venus and Mercury go retrograde in Aries back into Pisces in March. March 14th to April 7th for Mercury. March 1st to April 12th for Venus.
This year will have a different tone as Jupiter slips into Cancer, a sign of its exultation, a feminine counterbalance to brute force and assertive action. This transit might direct our energy and rescources to our sense of safety and belonging as we focus on home, family and community. Jupiter enters Cancer on June 9th and will remain there until June 2026, as we nurture ourselves, and perhaps as we look deeper, find depth and meaning in the word, “mother”…
Pluto entered Aquarius on November 19th, 2024, and will re-shape our experience of being an individual in a world where science and technology will utterly transform societies and nations for the next twenty years.
Neptune enters Aries on 30th March 2025 and stays until 22nd October before returning to Aries from 26th January 2026 until 2039. This transit will inspire many new beginnings in spirituality, creativity, art and politics that may be idealistic and imaginative, or delusional and self indulgent. Uranus enters Gemini on 7th July 2025 and stays until 8th November before returning to Gemini from 26th April 2026 until 2033. This transit will revolutionise, possibly disrupt how we think, communicate, and share information, and impact on our use or mis-use of media, as well as ways we educate and transport ourselves.
Saturn takes charge as he enters Aries on 25th May 2025 and stays until 1st September before returning to Aries on 14th February 2026 until 2028. This transit is about taking a realistic approach to defining our identity, our integrity and reliability. Saturn represents our rule-book for life, and describes important developmental processes that garner more meaning as we mature and age.
In March, a conjunction of Saturn and Neptune nudges close to the North Node in the very last decan of Pisces, moving within half a degree orb at 0° Aries in July. As Saturn and Neptune dance together all through 2025 what we knew to be safe and sure may become untethered. Neptune breaches, erodes and undermines the steadfast structure of Saturn, which release a tsunami of disillusionment and disorientation. We may be called to make sacrifices for the greater good. We may discover qualities of resilience, steadfastness and courage as we draw from our inner reserves of strength and passion.
On February 20th, 2026, these two celestial dancers will meet at 0° Aries point (the first degree of the zodiac, signifying endings and new beginnings), setting in motion precipitous deconstruction of what seemed indestructible. Saturn and Neptune contacts in Capricorn coincided with the gradual dismantling of apartheid in South Africa, the end of the Cold War, and the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Nothing stays the same. Not here on earth, nor in the heavens. The sands of time rush ever more swiftly through the hourglass of our life. Today, we take a leap of faith and bravely cast our hopes and wishes towards the ever-shifting horizon of the possible. Nothing is certain. All is flux and change. This new year can be shaped by what we have lost or what we yearn for. It can be remembered by how well we have loved.
In loving memory of Mary Whelan, July 11th 1961 – 29th December 2024. Thank you for shining your light so brightly into this world.
For personal astrology readings in March, please get in touch:
Sophie Davidson
January 2, 2025 at 10:33 amWhen we say it is written in the stars: as you so accurately and poetically describe, l can firmly say and testify that it is. With love as we live in the stability that we can only nurture in ourselves in face of an unstable world ⭐️