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Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse—March 14th.

Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse—March 14th.

Life turns on little things. The momentous events in history can leave us untouched, while small events may shape our destinies―Jennifer Worth.

On the night of March 13th or 14th, depending on where you live, all the world’s sunrises and sunsets will be painted onto the soft curve of the moon as she sails through the atmosphere of the earth. A pair of eclipses bookmark the month of March: a full moon “blood” eclipse, (moon at 23° Virgo) followed by a partial solar eclipse on March 29th  (sun at 9° Aries.)

During a lunar eclipse, the sun, moon and earth make a perfect alignment as the moon passes through the darkest part of the earth’s shadow and we collectively enter, for just a moment, the womb of darkness. We may feel quite literally in the dark about a situation that has been building. For many of us, it will be the little things, the small events, that shape our destinies. Yet, if one of these eclipses aligns with one of our personal or progressed planets (in the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius) we will be touched by some kind of crisis or an abrupt awakening that marks an important turning point in our lives.

Blood is associated with the war and death in our culture, yet this full moon reminds us that blood is a female symbol of fertility and of new life. At this time of dimming light when we face the necessity of endings collectively and personally, this full Moon lunar eclipse may herald a return to clarity about what has been eclipsed in our lives, and may offer a glimpse of what can be birthed a-new.

This full moon presides over the quiet rhythms and routines that root us in seemingly ordinary tasks as she moves through the modest sign of Virgo. Virgo reminds us to tend to the little things that matterbonds of love and friendship, our connection to the natural world, those things we hold dear that bring us comfort and joy amidst shifting circumstance. Earth is Virgo’s element, and Virgoan qualities are so often depicted in fairy tale as the heroine performs tasks with humility and attention to detail. Humility derives from the Latin, humilis—down low, on the ground or of the earth. Executive coach, Vanessa Loder speaks about “following our energetic breadcrumbs,” a daily choice, a tiny moment, that we can all feel into when we begin to focus our attention to those seemingly ordinary encounters, when we notice the signs, pay attention to the prompts.

The Sun moved into watery Pisces on February 18th (Pisces corresponds to our lymphatic system, our feet and toes, while Virgo’s domain is our digestive organs) so this full Moon brings our focus on the quality and origin of the foods we assimilate, the health of our colon, our immune system and the comfort of our feet.

Saturn in nebulous Pisces opposes this month’s Virgo moon, creating a force field of vulnerability and heightened emotion. Saturn aspects accompany frustration, obstacles often associated with laws, responsibilities, duty and demands. The sun in Pisces sextiles disruptive Uranusm so plans could quickly unravel, what seemed so straightforward, now might be complicated.

As our lives turn on those little things that shape our destinies, the shadows of both the lunar and solar eclipses this month, suggest that things will not be smooth in world politics. Venus, symbol of what we hold dear to our hearts, is moving Retrograde in Aries. Aries is a hot-headed, martial sign and Aries is where Venus is in her “detriment”.  Venus in Aries wears warpaint and battle gear. Venus stationed Retrograde on March 2nd and will turn direct at 24° Pisces on April 13th. Tempers flared and diplomacy dissolved in the Oval Office under the glare of the media on Friday February 28th in an undignified display of what psychologist Dr. Dan Siegel describes as “flipping your lid”―when the the amygdala, the emotional brain, hijacks the frontal cortex, the thinking brain. Mars (ruler of Aries) is moving direct now in Cancer, an emotional placement, that feels offended and can explode into immature temper tantrums.

The astrological weather for March and April will be unsettled as Mercury turns Retrograde (9° Aries) on March 15th.  

Both Venus and Mercury sensitise the 9/10 degree points in our birth charts then move over the 24/26 Pisces degree points, the same degree point as the full moon total eclipse. Be prepared to be flexible and open to new moves. Expect the usual Trickster/Mercurial technical, transport, communication glitches that compel us to pause, re-think, re-work, re-do, and be mindful that Mercury in Aries can be brash, impulsive and reactionary. Pause, breath out slowly before responding. Engage the frontal cortex.

Midwife and nurse, Jennifer Worth who knew so intimately the power of female blood, the dark and the light of human nature, worked amongt the very poor in South East London in the 1950s. She writes so poignantly, “we do not get what we expect. We stumble on cracks, are faced with imperfection, bonds tested and tightened. And our landscapes shift in sunshine and in shade. It was light where you went once. It was light where you are now. It will be light where you will go again.”

For every one of us, this eclipse season marks a space between darkness and light, the bloodlust of war, or the blood that accompanies a new cycle of fertility, the miracle of birth. May we soften those places in ourselves that have become calloused and hard. May we cleanse our thoughts and open our hearts as events, big and small, shape our destiny. Peace and contentment to all who have entered a time of quiet reflection during Ramadan and Passover.


For personal astrology readings please contact me on ingrid@trueheartwork.com


Ingrid Hoffman

1 Comment
  • Sophie

    March 10, 2025 at 9:24 pm Reply

    Darling Ing..I can already feel the intensity of these shifts. I will remind myself to breathe and be grateful for each precious moment. Of endings and beginnings. Of light and dark..and know that it is in the small delicate moments that we can find purpose and meaning. I ask for guidance and wisdom and patience, calm, choice as I navigate this Mercurial time on many levels of my incarnation and birth chart. With love and gratitude for the way you capture the ebbs and flows of the universe and the skies and tides. Sophie

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