Possibilities—New Moon Aquarius—January 21st.
I felt like some watcher in the skies when a new planet swims into his ken—John Keats.
It wasn’t a new planet that swam into the skies over sodden California this week. A rapturous tweet from the NWS announced, “it’s the Sun!” A sign of hope, after nine deadly “whiplash” storms upended homes and trees, ripped power lines, pitched viscous rivers of mud down hillsides.
This first new moon of the year falls in the very first degree of Aquarius and conceals within her darkness the husk of endings. This may manifest quite literally as an ending of a relationship, a job, moving home, or perhaps in a shift of perception that helps us to embrace those unexpected things that upend our carefully laid plans. Pluto, mythic god of the Underworld, infuses this lunation with a sense of endings, in some cases quite literal. For most of us, endings creep up incrementally, a twist in the evolutionary spiral of time.
The Sabian Symbol for this new moon is An Unexpected Thunderstorm, reminding us of “the need to develop the inner security which will enable us to meet unexpected crises,” according to one interpretation by astrologer Dane Rudhyar. And although the moon’s silvery light is swathed in darkness, she makes a hopeful sextile to optimistic Jupiter and a trine to Mars, as we prepare to begin again.
Water or lack thereof will be prominent themes with the zeitgeist awash with watery symbolism in this year of the Chinese Water Rabbit, infusing it with potential for deep healing, fertile new beginnings. Pluto’s entry into the sign of the Water Bearer in late March, and Saturn’s ingress into watery Pisces on March 7th are preceded by a brief period of easy flow.
In the ever-changing skies, Mercury and Mars moved direct this week and Uranus offers a glimpse of possibilities as it stations direct on January 22nd. Mars will begin to move with more steel-tipped precision in March, picking up speed, energising our intentions and our actions.
Pluto’s promissory note, as he sweeps into the fixed air sign of Aquarius on March 23rd may not be glaringly obvious in mid-January, but a change of signs stirs up what came before—the blunt trauma of toxic patriarchy, the rapacious plunder of the earth, and the wild silence of the death of millions of living things. Pluto dips in and out of Capricorn until November 2024 and then begins a 20-year residence in Aquarius, deepening our understanding of what it is be to human amidst the inexorable spread of human civilization amidst societal collapse and epic climate breakdown. The bloody American and French Revolutions erupted when Pluto moved through Aquarius in the 1700s, and this ingress in March may provide a glimpse of what is yet to come.
Lynne Tripp, author of Living a Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Fulfilment in a Purpose Larger Than Yourself writes, “The greatest threat to creating the future we want is fear, discouragement, and cynicism. It’s easy to be cynical, it’s easy and cheap because it asks nothing of us. Cynicism is like a disease, an infection, and it’s cowardly. What takes courage is to hold a vision and live into it.”
She presents Paul Hawken’s optimistic view that global warming and the breakdown of democracy is happening for us, rather than to us. That within the disastrous endings are the seeds of the transformation of the human condition.
But, we will need more than magical thinking, vision-board manifestation, or the disturbing TikTok’s Lucky Girl syndrome which seductively suggests that we can shape reality and get anything we want, and of course create exactly what we deserve.
These next 20 years will see hierarchical structures of wealth and power fracture. Breakdowns and break-throughs so vast that they may bring a commitment to systemic change that destroys human supremacy and restores the Natural Order to our home planet.
“We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world,” writes Gabor Maté.
Aquarius, like all astrological signs, draws deeply from the minds that created the world millennia ago. For thousands of years, The Water Bearer has been identified with the invigorating waters that bring renewal and hope from Heaven. As we shrug off the cynicism and negativity that disempower us, as we refuse to swim in the negative conversations that pervade the media, a flood of kindness and collaboration may begin to swell.
Aquarius speaks to our instinctual need to bond, to belong. Tonight, we might reflect on the vital nourishment offered by friendship and the precious bonds of belonging that sustain us during difficult times. We may sense something stirring in our soul, a sensitivity to the fault lines of division that thread across the collective, a deep knowing that for as long as this world has existed, we have been inexorably moving to this moment in time. For some of us this might be shifting our focus from thoughts or conversations that keep us stuck in our victim narrative, for others this might be looking for what is working in our lives and shifting the light of our focus on that with appreciation and gratitude.
May our vision for a brave new world flutter with the hopes and dreams of all humankind. May we draw hope, renewal, and spiritual guidance tonight as we gaze up at the heavens, and may we be reminded that we are all connected to each other, and to the stars.
To book your personal astrology session, please connect by email: ingrid@trueheartwork.com
January 22, 2023 at 1:09 pmI choose to look for what is working in our lives and shifting the light of our focus on that with appreciation and gratitude.
Bless you darling Ing as always for explaining so exquisitely the mysteries of the universe.