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Thin Places—Full Moon in Aries—October 17th.

Thin Places—Full Moon in Aries—October 17th.

Love can change a person the way a parent can change a baby—awkwardly, and often with a great deal of mess. Lemony Snicket.

This is the month when the veil between the worlds is thinnest, a time when our soul seeks the deep, dark root of rest and reflection, even as the world calls for lights and action.

In October, nature gathers her beauty in one last incendiary bolt of colour. Trees wear crowns of copper and carmine. Hawthorns and rowans bear clusters of bright berries. In the shadowed hollows, lacy spider webs spangled with silver dew drops stretch over fronds of burnished bracken. Here in the north, soft mists ready us for the darkness that accompanies winter.

In those tender, thin places where we feel exposed to the world’s hard edges, October’s Aries full moon illuminates the pain and suffering in the world. Aries is an action-oriented sign, ruled by the planet Mars. So, as we tune into the energy of this lunation tonight, we acknowledge those moments when we pushed past our soft place of comfort, and dared to be brave enough to receive what we longed for and feared to ask for.  When we trembled yet said, I love you.

It takes courage to love bravely in a divisive, disconnected world, where toxic individualism has wreaked havoc on our relationships. In a world where we have thousands of “friends” and no one to hold us tight when our heart is breaking. Where “artificial intimacy” leaves us more alone than ever. As this moon cycle ripens in union with Chiron in Aries,  we honour those few precious true hearts who have journeyed with us over the past six months. The total solar eclipse of April 8th, also aligned with Chiron, a thin place in everyone’s birth chart that holds our scar tissue.

This lunation ramps up the most significant astrological event of late 2024 and early 2025: a tense, confrontational engagement of Mars opposite Pluto which builds in intensity from October 14th and will remain in orb until January 22nd. This strained opposition will colour our own lives and be mirrored in world events as destiny delivers what it delivers. Mars in Cancer entered his shadow on October 5th and will station Retrograde in Leo on December 6th opposite Pluto.

Mars Retrograde cycles often coincide with low energy levels, as Mars, the war god, retreats from battle. We may need to reassess our goals, or even postpone things till the battle-weary Mars stations direct on February 24th at 17° Cancer.

Mars carries the warrior/hero/heroine archetype, and in a world that is predisposed to battle, our conflict might be within or projected outwards onto those we love.

Pluto now moves through the final anaretic degree of Capricorn, exposing the shadowy dimensions of Capricorn’s ruthless obsession with ensuring survival at any cost as tyrannical father-figures take their last stand. Capricorn carries the mantle of authority and responsibility traditionally held by the head of the family.

As Pluto trawls across this final degree of Capricorn, another sexual predator, former owner of Harrods, Mohamed Al Fayed, is exposed, revealing enablers who averted their gaze. The fine-spun, golden cocoon of privilege and powerful connections continues to insulate those who feel entitled to take what they want when they want it.

Pluto has been moving through Capricorn since 2008, exposing the putrid rot of toxic masculinity and patriarchal lust for power-over others. Pluto represents a primal urge to survive, which often becomes distorted as the dark power-over dynamics in our relationships, as strongmen (and women) crush dissent, and salesmen in the guise of politicians tap into the throbbing vein of discontent and vulnerability that pulsates through the masses. As we question the collective beliefs that thread through his-story, authoritarian Tyrant Fathers continue to peddle an age-old lie: some people are better than others. To the hollowed out middle classes, the promise of going back to a rose-tinted way we were is seductive. Blaming the woes of society on those they perceive as being beneath them provides a conduit for feelings of impotence and rage.

In how many ways have our lives been affected, our thin places pierced and scarred by those all-powerful Tyrant Fathers and Mothers? How have we been seduced by the glitter of wealth or power, fallen asleep as they have stolen our self-worth with impunity, undermined our talents, trampled our hopes and dreams? Pluto enters Aquarius on November 19th and will not return to Capricorn for another 232 years, so these next weeks mark a culmination of this Pluto cycle.

There are three exact alignments of Mars and Pluto: 3rd November 2024 (voting day in the US is two days later), 3rd January, and 27th April.

For those who are the mouthpieces for the collective, the gods seem to be smiling on Donald Trump. The day before voting, expansive and opportunistic Jupiter in Gemini conjoins Donald Trump’s North Node of fate and his Gemini Sun (identity, core aliveness) while benefic Venus and the Moon (the public) in optimistic Sagittarius brush over his South Node (challenges and gifts from the past) and natal Moon (emotions, instincts.) Unpredicible Uranus (excitement, freedom), in the most public place in his birth chart, delivers a radical and erratic bolt from the blue which, in the past, has worked in his favour. Traditionally these transits are tipped to fascilitate prosperity, abundance, and good fortune. Transiting Saturn (duty, responsibility, limitations, delay, boundaries) in Retrograde in Pisces moves over Chiron (wounding and healing) in Kamala Harris’ birth chart on November 5th. A nebulous Neptune Retrograde makes an insecure quincunx to her Libra Sun/Mercury, as Pluto makes a challenging square, suggesting that the rigours of this battle may have had a detrimental effect on her health. Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 3rd, and Sagittarius carries the archers far-sighted vision, a propensity for truth telling, or shooting from the hip.The months ahead will be telling, as we ask ourselves what aspects of own shadowy selves do our strongmen leaders, our false gurus, and our brittle shining celebrities mirror.

It takes courage to love bravely in a divisive, disconnected world. It takes courage to allow love to permeate our thin places when we can no longer trust what we see with our eyes. Yet now the time has come to take a stand.  “Love is or it ain’t. Thin love ain’t love at all,” writes Toni Morrison in Beloved.

To book an astrology reading, please get in touch: ingrid@trueheartwork.com

Ingrid Hoffman

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